Communication from Our Director Nancy
Director’s Communication - March 7, 2024
Where did the first two months of the year go? We have had a number of new members join our Fitness Community in the last several month, and I’m super excited to welcome them to the Weed Community & Fitness Center (WCC). If you see a new face in your classes or in the gym, please help us to give them a warm welcome!! Don’t forget we are springing forward this Sunday, March 10th…reset your clocks/watches!
REVISED Aqua Exercise & Pool Schedule
Due to a shift in enrollments (high enrollments in the morning classes and low enrollments in the evening classes), there will be a change in the schedule. I am canceling the Thursday evening class and adding a Thursday morning class. The new schedule with instructors is attached and will be effective the week of March11th. That also means some adjustments to other pool times on Thursdays. Thursday’s schedule will be as follows:
8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Adult Exercise
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Aqua Aerobics
10:15 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Adult Only Swim
1:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Open Swim
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Adult Only – Independent Aqua Exercise (Volunteer Pool Monitor--No instructor) Note: You may do your own routine or
follow the routine posted in the pool area.
Summer Season 2024 - Lifeguard Applications Period Open
We are currently accepting applications for Lifeguards at the Weed Community Pool at Bel Air Park for Summer 2024 season. First review date for applications is April 1, 2024. HOW CAN YOU HELP?? If you know someone who might be interested, please encourage them to apply. The application is on our website and is fillable or can be printed and then mailed in. No prior experience is necessary. We provide CPR/First Aid/Lifeguard Certification Training. LINK TO APPLICATION:
New Bulletin Board
We now have a large “community” bulletin board to the left of the main entrance. If you have a community event, meeting, class, etc., you may post on that bulletin board. The smaller bulletin boards to the right of the office window, are reserved for Weed Recreation & Parks District or Weed Community Center information. Swim lessons, classes, Board Agendas, Board Minutes, and holiday closure dates can be found there.
Senior Shuttle Services – HELP US GET THE WORD OUT!
Did you know that in partnership with the City of Weed and Measure O funds, we operate a Senior Shuttle? This service is free to those living in the Weed city limits. There is a $5 charge for Lake Shastina residents. The shuttle provides rides to seniors Monday-Thursdays to transport to medical appointments or pharmacy pick up in Weed, Mt. Shasta & Yreka, in town shopping, and Senior Lunch on Mondays. Adults 60 and older are eligible to use the van. We would love to have the van full when it goes out each day. If you know a senior who could benefit from this service, please pass along the information. We are especially trying to reach Lake Shastina residents who may benefit. If you would like a flyer or information card (business card size) to post in your place of business, church bulletin, apartment laundry room, bulletin board, etc., please print out and post or email to request a printed flyer or business cards.
Many of you may not know that our parks maintenance staff are seasonal. During the winter months when park usage is low, they are laid off. We are so glad that our parks maintenance staff just returning to work this week. Their first priority will be to get our baseball and softball fields ready for play. Then they will focus on cleaning up the winter debris (pine needles, branches, trash, etc.) and inspecting our equipment for safety.
Are You Planning a Reunion, Wedding, Birthday or Graduation Party, End of School Celebration, Friends BBQ?
We have some of the most beautiful parks in the area that include big BBQ’s, picnic tables, playground areas, and volleyball/basketball/bocce ball/horseshoes courts. Plus the WCC offers nice party rooms. Pool parties are always a hit for a fun summer gathering or at the indoor pool when the outdoor pool is closed. Christy has also compiled a list of local catering options as well. Let us know how we can help with your upcoming celebrations or events.
If you have questions, see something that needs attention in the Center or at our parks, please let us know. You can stop by the WCC Office, call 530-938-4685, or email me at